My Spiritual Journey

How one person overcame her falls, with the love of the One Above All

Sunday, June 20, 2004


11.21am... Yawwn... haiz.. woke up on the dot of 11am.. when I was supposed to start work at 11am.. thought I can rush and get there by 11.30am... then dunno what made me decide not to go and take MC...since my money situation not very good too... haiz.. maybe it was Nisha (my colleaugue).. she was not feeling well a day during this week, so she decided tot ake MC... but she never go doctor coz she still has left over medicine.. so dunno how for her... but I just called workplace... horrors of horrors, the fierce supervisor answered... the one who grumble about my off days.. but surprisingly she wasn't scolding... I have to take MC though... haiz.. somemore my family doctor close already.. gotta go to another one... haiz... will leave this for later...

Yesterday I saw my nephew and niece... so happy... I talked to Philip on the phone first, he was so chatty!! He made me change my mind about not meeting them, coz at first I made other plans.. poor boy, he was so tired he didn't sleep the whole day that in the car ride back he was wailing. Tricia is so cute too, now she's 11 months old, she can walk already and has a bit of teeth.. hehe... I'm special to Phlip.. coz he calls me Tita (Auntie in Tagalog) Marie only.. he doesn't call my sister Tita Cynthia, he calls her Auntie Cynthia... but I think he prefers my sister.. maybe coz he thinks he can bully here? Haha, I dunno, or maybe I don't know how to handle kids/babies that well... hmm.. maybe I should go for the pre-school cert course.. hahaha

And then after that, to Francis place I went... although there was nothing much to do.. and the only thing that was fun was, guitar!! Yup yup... gonna practise more and really hope I get better... I would just love to be able to play all the songs I like and then have my own personal praise session to God, like I mentioned before :DOkay lah.. since today I'm at home, supposedly on MC, (until I get it), I've really got lotsa things to do.. unless I forgo doing them and go back to sleep.. hahaha.. but thats's the point of MCs right, to catch up on rest?? Haha... ok, well, I'm still pretty tired... will get back to you later..God bless, Love, Marie


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